Thursday 6 October 2011

Apple 创办人 Steve Jobs 去天堂了

在开始文章之前,而您家的line又允许的话,那么不妨先来看看这个很有意思的video。Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish。

我不是什么3C product的追随者,所以也不会特别去买ipad,mac book或者是iphone。。。这些东西对我来说都是能用就好。可是他的突然离去却还是让人惋惜的,毕竟他曾经,现在也还是一直在哪吒电子界。。。。
Apple Announces Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs Has Died
7:43 p.m. EDT, October 5, 2011

CUPERTINO, Calif. -- Apple announced Wednesday that former Apple CEO Steve Jobs has died.

Jobs stepped down as CEO in August, saying he could no longer handle the job.

In January, Jobs, a pancreatic cancer survivor, took his second medical leave of absence in two years, raising serious questions about his health and the leadership of a company.

Jobs, 55, has been instrumental in turning Apple into the dominant producer of portable music players, a leader in the smart phone business and, with the iPad, the inventor of a new category of modern tablet computers.

He is Apple's public face, its master showman and its savior since he returned in 1997 after a 12-year hiatus to rescue the company from financial ruin.

Investors in recent years have pinned much of their faith in the company on Jobs himself, sending shares tumbling on every bit of news or rumor of his ailing health.

"Steve's extraordinary vision and leadership saved Apple and guided it to its position as the world's most innovative and valuable technology company," said Art Levinson, Chairman of Genentech, on behalf of Apple's Board.

"Steve has made countless contributions to Apple's success, and he has attracted and inspired Apple's immensely creative employees and world class executive team. In his new role as Chairman of the Board, Steve will continue to serve Apple with his unique insights, creativity and inspiration."

翻开今天的报纸,头条就是这位巨人的骤然离去,或许对某些人来说不是什么大件事,不过对许多人来说这确是一件无法形容与比较的焦点。甚至还在tweeter上看到有人写着说:“Please God,please return Steve Jobs to us and we will give u Justin Bieber in return."

Picture of Steve Jobs, 2 days after he resigned from Apple. In his resignation letter, Jobs said, the day finally came when he could no longer perform his duties. This image is heart-wrenching.. :( 几年前steve曾经罹患pancreatic cancer,有读过science或者是biology的朋友都会知道pancreatic是在肚子里长得有点像一根羽毛那样的东西。过后他休息了两年,为的就是要医好自己的病。那时候医生曾经告诉他最多只能再活三个月到半年而已。可是两年后他还是以健康坚强的姿态站在大众面前,给全世界注入了一针安心剂!!

The pancreas /ˈpæŋkriəs/ is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system of vertebrates. It is both an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, as well as a digestive organ, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that assist the absorption of nutrients and the digestion in the small intestine. These enzymes help to further break down the carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in the chyme.(资料取之wikipedia,我不会translate成华语,不过英文我看得懂。。。不好意思。)

如果很喜欢iphone的朋友一定有听说下个月就是iphone 5面世的日子了,可是iphone 5 没有下文了,取而代之的却是刚上市的phone4s。很多人都为之唏嘘,但也有人说这是为了怀念steve而出的左后一个产品。iphone4s=iphone for Steve。
是真也好,是假也罢,反正iphone4s也已经因为是steve在世的最后一个作品而已经掀起了抢购的热潮(就连我的猪公也要买一个了)。steve的去世时一个足以震撼全世界的大新闻,就连美国总统obama,Microsoft 创办人bill gates,facebook创办人Mark Zuckerberg等等举足轻重的大人物都纷纷写上了他们对这位伟人最后的悼唁。不过可笑的却是apple的死对头也就是android market却在这个时候出现了这样的一幅图画。本来在fb'看到的时候觉得没什么,仔细一看才发现原来是android的机器人在slashAPPLE !!!!有点讽刺的意思存在,不过只是希望steve jobs rest in peace。。。。大家都会记得你的。

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